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Bentonite Lastovce

Bentonit is a clayey earth whose substantial component (45-55 %) is montmorillonite (hydrated alumina silicate of alkalis and alkaline earth), which is the base for its outstanding rheological and sorption quatilies. The colour of bentonite is very variable - from white, through yellow, brownish to red or dark grey depending on present of iron oxides or other substances.

Before use, bentonite is processed by drying, milling or physically and chemically activating. Processed bentonite finds a wide use in metallurgy, building industry, electrical engineering, agriculture and animal breeding, food industry or pharmaceutical industry.

To download:

Bentiónite in deposit of Lastovce is a pyroclastic bentonite. This is a product of decomposition of tufaceous ash-materials with the montmorillonite-content of about 45-55 %.

Loss by anneal 6,40
SiO2 70,25
Al2O3 15,8
Fe2O3 max. 3,5
TiO2 0,25
CaO 3,95
MgO 0,9
MnO traces
K2O 0,5
Na2O 0,45

Bentonite Lastovce is dispatched as unprocessed, homogenised in bulk directly from the stockpile near to the quarry.

Expedition by truck

Grain size in weight %                    Mineralogical content
Grains over 7,0 mm 4% Substantial comp.:
Grains 2,0-7,0 mm 4% Quartz, tuff and rhyolite
Grains 0,09-2,0 mm 10% Secondary comp.:
Grains 0,063-0,09 mm 2% Limestone substances
Grains under 0,09 mm 80% Substantial comp.:
Montmorillonite, kristobalite

Additional technical properties:

Cation-exchange capacity in mol/kg 0,450 (±0,05)
Tests of rheological properties:
Shearing strength (Pa) after 10 sec.–10 min 1,8/2,8 – 5,0/8,5
Yield point Pa 4,6/6,4
Plastic - aparent viscosity 0,013/0,02 – 0,024/0,04
Atterberger limits (natural/natrified)
Yield limit Wt(%) 131/507
Plasticity bound Wt (%) 32/62
Index of plasticity Ip 99/445

The mentioned information is to be considered as informative.

Bentonit Lastovce
Bentonit Lastovce

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